School affiliated With P.S.E.B. Mohali

Welcome to our school

Sant BabaLabh Singh Ji was a pious soul that followed the mission of Sant Baba Sewa
Singh Ji. From 1966, he performed of all official and constructional duties sponsored
by Sant Baba Sewa Singh Ji. He worked for the service of nation and community, not
only by constructing Gurudwaras but also inaugurated Educational Institutions and
named them Sant Baba Sewa Singh Ji Khalsa Model Sen. Sec. Schools.
The aim of these schools is not to impart bookish knowledge but also spiritual and
moral values.
Sant Baba Labh Singh Ji is served mankind physically, mentally and economically
and got the blessings of Kalgidhar Patshah. Sant Baba Labh Singh Ji left for heavenly
abode on 28 th July 2019. They had already nominated Baba Harbhajan Singh Pehalwan
as their successor. In 1982, after ‘Parlok Piana’ of Sant Baba Sewa Singh Ji Sant
Baba Labh Singh Ji were nominated president of Kar Sewa Mission Kila Anandgarh,
Sri Anandpur Sahib.
Baba Harbhajan Singh Ji Pehalwan

krmXogI bwbw hrBjn isMG pihlvwn jI dw jnm, ipqw s. sMqw isMG qy mwqw srdwrnI lCmN kOr jI dy Gr ipMf muzdl vyrkw ijlw aMimRqsr ivKy suqMqrqw pRwpqI qoz kuJ ku vryH pihlW hoieaw | bcpn qox hI awpdw SrIr moklw sI | skUl dwKl krvwAuN smyx awp jI Aumr aMdwZy nwl hI aiDawpkW vlox 1.1.1945 drZ kIqI geI | skUl ivzc qW awp muSikl nwl swl Br hI rhy , pr aiDawpkW duawrw drZ Aumr hmySw leI aMikq ho geI | skUl qox htN qy srIr pzKox qkVw hoN kwrN ipqw jI ny awp L Gr dIaW mzJW dw pwlI bNw idzqw | jdox kuJ vzfy hoey qW awp hwNI muMifaW nwl bwbw syvw isMG jI iklw anMdgVH swihb jI dIaW czl rhIaW syvwvW ivzc kwr syvw leI cly jWdy | Grox cMgI Kurwk aqy byiPkrI kwrN awpdw srIr sfOl bN igaw qy awp ny pihlvwnI SurUkr idzqI | 1962 ivzc sMq bwbw syvw isMG jI awp jI L Kud Grox awnMdpur swihb lY awey | AuprMq awp jI dw vDyry smW kwr syvw iklw anMdgVH swihb jI dIaW syvwvW ivzc hI bIqN lzgw | sMq bwbw syvw isMG jI dy jIvn kwl 1982 qzk awp jI ny iklw anMdgVH swihb , guru kw lwhor, pwqwlpurI, BbOr swihb, mMfI rvwlsr qy guru kw mihl ivKy inSkwm syvw inBweI | AuprMq sMq bwbw lwB isMG jI vlox awp jI L mwJy dy ielwky ivzc sMgqW qox AugrwhI aqy kwr syvw vlox AuswrI dIaW syvwvW sOpIaW | awp jI ny bwbw bkwlw, byxeI puMeI BorCI ijlw aMimRqsr ivKy aqy sulqwnpur loDI ivKy sMgq dy sihXog nwl nmUny dy kwrj kIqy | Kwlsw kwlj aMimRqsr dI purwNI idzK dI sMBwl kIqI | 1984 dI iszK kqlogwrq dIaW ivDvwvW leI 3 eykV jmIn ivzc mkwn iqawr kIqy | huN sulqwnpur loDI ivKy < Bvn vI awp jI dI ingrwnI aDIn bN irhw hY | awp jI dy szdy qy sYxkiVaW ivzc sMgq kwr syvw leI phuMc jWdI hY | 2016 ivzc 350 swlw gurpurb mOky ptnw swihb ivKy aqy 2019 ivzc 550 swlw gurpurb mOky sulqwnpur loDI ivKy awp jI ny lMmy smyx qzk lMgr clwey | 5 agsq 2019 L sMq bwbw lwB isMG jI dy duSihry dy Bog mOky AunWH dI vsIaq anuswr bwbw hrBjn isMG pihlvwn jI L kwr syvw iklw anMdgVH swihb dw muKI inXukq kIqw igaw | awp sMq bwbw syvw isMG jI kwr syvw trzst aqy sMq bwbw syvw isMG mYmorIal aYjUkySn suswietI dy vI muKI Qwpy gey hn | kwr syvw sMq bwbw syvw isMG jI iklw anMdgVH dI smuzcI rihnumweI awp jI aDIn hY | akwl purK dI bKiSS nwl kwr syvw iklw anMdgVH swihb awp jI dI srpRsqI aDIn hor pRPuilq hovygI |
Baba Sucha Singh Ji
Baba Sucha Singh Ji joined Kar Sewa Kila Anandgarh Sahib with the blessings of Sant Baba Harbhajan Singh Ji Pehalwan in 1984.For two decades they did every type of manual work day and night. For last fifteen years Baba Ji were engaged in collection of wheat, rice and money from the Sangat of Amritsar, Tran Taran & Gurdaspur area and preached Gurmat as well as motives of Kar Sewa Mission. Sant Baba Pehalwan Ji suddenly left for heavenly abode on 21st Dec. 2019 Kar Sewa Sant Baba Sewa Singh memorial trust unanimously nominated Baba Sucha Ji as “Mukh Parbhandhak” Kar Sewa Kila Anandgarh Sahib on 24th Dec., 2019.All the jatha’s of Sant Samaj and S.G.P.C. Amritsar approved him as head of this mission.
Former Secretary SGPC Message

sMq bwbw lwB isMG jI vzlo sMq bwbw syvw isMG jI dI Xwd ivzc bNweI geI sMsQw Kwlsw mwfl skUl BzlVI ivzc iezk aijhw vwqwvrN mihsUs hoieaw ijzQy swdgI qy awpNy ivrsy dI Jlk dyKN L imlI ijzQy bzcy isr Fzk ky anuSwsn ivzc rihMdy hoey awpNI pVweI mukMml krdy hn | bzcy pVweI dy nwl-nwl gurbwNI aqy ivrsy nwl juVdy hn| skUl dw vwqwvrn swP suQrw hY qy imhnqkS stwP qy lgn vwly ividawrQI hr Kyqr ivzc mzlW mwr rhy hn | mY smUh pRbMDkW aiDawpkW aqy ividawrQIaw leI akwl purK azgy ardws krdw hW ik vwihgurU jI skUl L hmySw cVdI klw ivzc rzKy |
Academic Director's Message

Education is a continuous and creative process. Its aim is to develop the capacities
in human nature and co-ordinate their expression for the enrichment and progress
of entire society by equipping the students with spiritual, moral and material knowledge.
So the purpose of education is not more knowledge learning, its field is very vast
i.e. all round development of the human being.
Principal's Message

The role of education lies in shaping the personality of the child into a healthy mind & happy soul. Education has the power to change the world. In our institution we focus on the all-round development of our children along with academic excellence. We really want to prepare our children to face challenges of life boldly. I believe that aim of education is to make the student a good human being. We are striving to inculcate the values of rich heritage of Indian culture and divinity.
I appreciate all the dedicated teachers who are playing an important role in achieving the goals of the institutions by bringing out the best quality of students and giving 100% result of board classes.
I am thankful to the parents who believe us and supported us in every aspect. I extend my heartiest thanks to our worthy management for their humble, cooperative and whole hearted support in the growth & development of institution.
This Institution has been established to achieve the following aims and objectives.
1. To develop strong character with particular emphasis on moral education, extra
curricular activities and sports so as to inculcate among the students the qualities
of leadership, co-operation, tolerance and spiritual brotherhood.
2. To create among the students a strong sense of duty and discipline.
3. To create an environment where in every child shall grow to be chivalrous but
humble. He/She shall think to piety, welfare, of all, Sarbat Da Bhala, Self Sacrifise,
Union with God (Waheguru) through NAM SIMRAN.
4. To create a teaching learning situation where in every child should have opportunity
to grow to the best of ability and capacity.